So, I posed that question to my eight and ten year old daughters. Admittedly, I thought I would throw it out there and then have to further explain what it means to conform to the world. Wrong. I was blown away when Jilly, my eight year old said, "For me it's Whenever I go on there all of a sudden the Barbies you and daddy bought me aren't good enough and I want new ones. And, I want to look like them." Oh no. Emma added, " I go right to the shopping page and I want, want, want." I was at once alarmed at how the world had seeped through the cracks in our locked doors and impressed with their ability to identify their vulnerabilities. We began to pray and discuss strategies for dealing with these temptations. And then it happened, they hit me square between the eyes: Mommy, how do you conform to the world?
I thought for a moment and God blessed me with a light bulb moment. Without hesitation these words came from my mouth: "Everyday I put make-up on and straighten my hair, I feel like I am conforming to worldly standards of beauty and saying to God that what He created could use a little improvement." My ten year old brought me to tears when she recited Psalm 139:14 to me word for word: "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." My girls know this verse because I have recited it to them that they might know how amazing they are, just the way they are, simply because they are children of God. But, every morning as they watched me blow out and straighten my naturally wavy hair and put on make-up, what I was saying to them was at best that it wasn't true for me and at worst that it was a complete lie.
I'm not saying that make-up is evil or bad. No object is evil or bad - but certainly our attitudes toward them can become so. For me, the lessons I was imparting on my daughters and the fact that my confidence now came from a bottle of foundation instead of the firm foundation of Christ, was enough for me to take notice. So we, my girls and I, made an agreement. They would give up their websites, and I would give up my hair straightener and make-up. Erik even got on board and has blocked websites he used to peruse for cars and trucks. We've agreed to do it for thirty days, although Jilly threw down when she said she could go a year without Barbie. My hope is though, that we will discover not only do we not need these things in our life, we don't want them anymore.
You are God, You are God, of all else we're letting go.
I leave on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic in 10 days. I will be spending time in an orphanage with some of the most beautiful creatures on God's earth. Beautiful, simply because the are created by the Creator. Certainly I want to go and make an impact for God's kingdom and to be a faithful servant. But my prayer is that, as I know I will be impacted too, perhaps I will come home knowing that I am beautiful, simply because...and my daughters will know....and their daughters will know.....Like I said, impacting God's kingdom.
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