Sunday, March 15, 2009

From My Home to Yurt(s)

I've been in a bit of a funk lately. We are making some big decisions about our future and although there is a relief in knowing that we (Erik & I) are headed in the same direction, there is also a bit of angst that comes with such discussion. There is the angst of not knowing how we'll get from here to there. There is the angst of not knowing if our dreams are God's will for our future. And then there is the worst frustration of all - the Veruca Salt variety, i.e. : I want it and I want it now!!

So, no, that it is not a mispelling in today's title. One of our mutual dreams, it turns out, is to live on a large piece of land in a yurt. What is a yurt, you may be asking? Though generally classified as a tent, a yurt is much stronger and weathertight. Yurts are a circular structure that consists of a durable fabric cover, tension band and a wood frame that includes a lattice wall, radial rafters, central compression ring and a framed door. It sounds really primitive I know, but Google them and take a look at the pictures - they are beautiful. But it's the whole lifestyle we equate with living in a yurt that appeals most to us. Ridding ourselves of things, living off-grid, focusing on what's really important. A real back to basics. I know I'm so corny. The girls and I are reading the Little House book series right now and I get such a longing in my heart as we read about their simple way of life.

So, for the time being we are trying to creat that simple life right here in suburbia. Emma, Jill and I are officially starting to prepare our garden this week. As a family we have made a committment to spend more time in nature and have even committed to hiking every weekend. Eventually, we'd like to get back into mountain biking. Although Erik will have to go it alone for awhile as we are still working on getting the training wheels of Jill's bike. (Do they make training wheels for mountain bikes??...doubtful....) I wanted a chicken coop for the backyard as well, but Erik said a very firm NO! He's got to draw the line somewhere I suppose. So, our small changes are a start and it does feel good to be working toward a common family goal. (But, there's still that little voice deep inside sreaming I want it now!!!)
PS This discussion was prompted because it is our anniversary today. 12 years!!!! At least if our dreams are crazy, we still have the same crazy dreams after more than a decade together.
In His Service,

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