Something strange is going on around here....The other morning I wore diamond earrings when I walked the dog (ok, ok, faux diamonds, but still). I put cucumbers in my water this afternoon - a simple treat, but it feels so luxurious. I painted my toes red and I'm preparing to order seeds for my garden. To top it off, on a whim, I turned one of hubby's old button up shirts into a super cute apron. But then again, isn't that how all good crafts should start: with whimsy? It seems whimsy is in the air around here and it's intoxicating. In fact, hubby even noted this afternoon, "You seem cheerful." What a perfectly delightful compliment. I feel cheer-full and it's amazing.
I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions as I think change happens all the time and should begin whenever the urge strikes. But, I have to say my urge for change coincided with 1-1-11 this year and I am eager to embrace it and follow where it leads. It's a fire in my belly, a God nudge, calling me to make everyday special and indulge my creative crazies. So, no more waiting for holidays to bring out the special dishes or asking, "Is that too much glitter?" I mean, could there be a more perfect time to get creative? It's almost Valentine's Day: hearts, candies and ribbons, oh my. I can almost taste the conversation hearts already and I can hardly stop myself from hanging a big, pink and red glittery heart on my front door with the word "Love" emblazoned in roses... Is that too much? Um, no....
We've taken this delicious approach with school this semester too. We've put away our boring text books for a bit and we're shaking it up. We read, read, read and then we draw and color and then we garden and then we read again and then we get a little crafty and then we read some more. The girls are having so much fun and are learning a ton. I love being snuggled up on the couch with some coffee and hot chocolate and knowing that yes, they are getting an education. I can't imagine sending them off for seven hours a day to let someone else have all that fun with my kiddos. Right now we are reading Harry Potter V, Anne of Green Gables and Three Cups of Tea together. Jilly is reading Mouse & The Motorcycle and King Arthur, while Emma enjoys the Black Stallion and The Biography of Eli Whitney (fascinating btw.) It's a delightful way to learn and an even more delightful way to teach.
So, tomorrow I think I'll put on a little red lipstick, make heart shaped pancakes for breakfast and celebrate the holiday. Which one? Not sure yet, but I'll find one and be sure to give it proper attention. Everyday is a gift from God. Here's to unwrapping it!
In His Service